Re: Call for Chapters: Linking Government Data

Will all due respect, as with any monograph this is a call to
*contribute*; the benefits if accepted are being part of an important
work. Recipients are free to not submit!

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> On 10/7/10 10:02 AM, David Wood wrote:
> Hi all,
> Please find below a Call for Chapters for a new contributed book to be
> entitled Linking_Government_Data.  Please distribute this information as
> widely as possible to help us collect useful success stories, techniques and
> benefits to using Linked Data in governments.  Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Dave
> --
> David Wood announces a Call for Chapters for a new book to be entitled
> Linking Government Data. First proposal submissions are due November 30,
> 2010 to
> The book is intended to be published in print, ebooks format and on the Web,
> but a publisher has not yet been chosen. More than one publisher is
> interested.
> 1st Proposal Submission Deadline: November 30, 2010
> Full Chapter Submission Deadline: March 1, 2010
> Linking Government Data
> A book edited by David Wood, Talis, USA
> I. Introduction
> Linking Government Data is the application of Semantic Web architecture
> principles to real-world information management issues faced by government
> agencies. The term LGD is a play on Linking Open Data (LOD), a community
> project started by the World Wide Web Consortium’s Semantic Web Education
> and Outreach Interest Group aimed at exposing data sets to the Web in
> standard formats and actively relating them to one another with hyperlinks.
> Data in general is growing at a much faster rate than traditional
> technologies allow. The World Wide Web is the only information system we
> know that scales to the degree that it does and is robust to both changes
> and failure of components. Most software does not work nearly as well as the
> Web does. Applying the Web’s architectural principles to government
> information distribution programs may be the only way to effectively address
> the current and future information glut. Challenges remain, however, because
> the publication of data to the Web requires government agencies to give up
> the central control and planning traditionally applied by IT departments.
> A primary goal of this book is to highlight both costs and benefits to
> broader society of the publication of raw data to the Web by government
> agencies. How might the use of government Linked Data by the Fourth Estate
> of the public press change societies?
> How can agencies fulfill their missions with less cost? How must
> intra-agency culture change to allow public presentation of Linked Data?
> This book follows the successful publication of Linking Enterprise Data by
> Springer Science+Business Media in October 2011.
> II. Objective of the Book
> This book aims to provide practical approaches to addressing common
> information management issues by the application of Semantic Web and Linked
> Data research to government environments and to report early experiences
> with the publication of Linked Data by government agencies. The approaches
> taken are based on international standards. The book is to be written and
> edited by leaders in Semantic Web and Linked Data research and standards
> development and early adopters of Semantic Web and Linked Data standards and
> techniques.
> III. Target Audience
> This book is meant for Semantic Web researchers and academicians, and CTOs,
> CIOs, enterprise architects, project managers and application developers in
> commercial, not-for-profit and government organizations concerned with
> scalability, flexibility and robustness of information management systems.
> Not-for-profit organizations specifically include the library and museum
> communities.
> Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: – social,
> technical and mission values of applying Web architecture to government
> content, such as the means by which deployment agility, resilience and reuse
> of data may be accomplished – Relating to other eGov initiatives – Building
> of social (human-centered) communities to curate distributed data –
> Enterprise infrastructure for Linking Government Data – Persistent
> Identifiers – Linking the government cloud – Applications of Linked Data to
> government transparency, organizational learning or curation of/access to
> distributed information – Publishing large-scale Linked Data.
> Contributions from those working with government Linked Data projects of all
> sizes are sought. Many stories exist from the U.S. and U.K. government
> agencies, but contributions from Estonia, Germany, New Zealand, Norway, etc,
> etc, are more than welcome.
> IV. Publisher
> The book is intended to be published in print, ebooks format and on the Web,
> but a publisher has not yet been chosen. More than one publisher is
> interested. This book is expected to be published in late 2011.
> V. Proposals
> Proposals for chapters should consist of a summary of intended material,
> approximately 1-2 pages in length. Please provide a working chapter title,
> authors names and affiliations, relevant experience with Linked Data
> projects for a government entity (or approaches applicable to such entities)
> and a description of the proposed chapter’s contents.
> VI. Important Dates
> November 30, 2010: Proposal Submission Deadline
> December 22, 2010: Notification of Proposal Acceptance
> February 28, 2011: Full Chapter Submission
> March 21, 2011: Review Results Notification
> April 15, 2011: Revised Chapter Submission
> May 1, 2011: Final Decision Notification
> May 15, 2010: Final Revised and Formatted Chapter Submission
> Inquiries and submissions should be sent by electronic mail to:
> David Wood (
> VP Engineering
> Talis Inc.
> David,
> Who gets paid for this book? I am assuming that this book is commercial
> rather than free?
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen	
> President & CEO
> OpenLink Software
> Web:
> Weblog:
> Twitter/ kidehen

John S. Erickson, Ph.D.
Twitter: @olyerickson
Skype: @olyerickson

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 15:42:51 UTC