Re: adds GoodRelations in RDFa to 900,000 item pages

Hi Martin,

We have discussed this off-list before, but maybe others would like to
chime in...

> I don't think it is sad; because using invisible div / span elements nicely
> decouple the organization of the visual content from the embedded data.

Martin, you never fail to hash-mark your #GoodRelations tweets with
#SEO. Decoupling triples and content raises an interesting SEO
problem: state A in the visible content, state B in the invisible
triples. Now which information do we trust? It's the "white text on a
white background" search engine fooling of the 21st century. I'm not
yet sure if it's a real problem, but could imagine that "tweaking"
price tags might be tempting to some. Opinions?


Disclaimer: I work for Google, but I have no insider information at
all how/if we deal with this.

Thomas Steiner, Research Scientist, Google Inc.,

Received on Thursday, 7 October 2010 15:06:06 UTC