Semantic Pingback

Hi all,

Sebastian was announcing the Semantic Pingback approach and 
implementations last week, unfortunately with missing subject header. I 
would like to draw your attention again on Semantic Pingback, since I 
consider it a crucial building block for the Linked Data Web:

* it is downward compatible to the conventional blogosphere Pingback
* it helps data publishers to keep their data updated and interlinked
* it gives direct benefit to data publishers (i.e. usage notifications)

Please consider adding Semantic Pingback support to your published 
datasets and semantic web tools.



*Leipziger Semantic Web Tag* am 6. Mai:

Sören Auer, AKSW/Computer Science Dept., University of Leipzig,  Skype: soerenauer

Received on Monday, 15 March 2010 13:10:23 UTC