Re: URI Fragments (typo fixed version)

Nathan wrote:
> Leigh Dodds wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> exactly.. how *DO* you remove a resource from the web of linked data?
>>> let's just suppose that the high court has instructed it; it *must*
>>> happen - how?
>> What would you do for a document?
>> Its on your web site. Its also in the Google cache and the Wayback
>> Machine. What do you do? What are your legal requirements, and what
>> are your practical limitations?
> maybe we can address this for the web of linked data resources before
> the same issues arise..?
> 410 Gone and obedient http clients with link editing capabilities.
> google cache remove, would be interesting to test the 410 with them though:
> wayback:
> note the identical way's of doing it; robots.txt handles the current web
> of documents (pretty much).
How does that remove TimBL's URI in my linked data space? A URI that is 
owl:sameAs my local URI for him?



Kingsley Idehen	      
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Twitter/ kidehen 

Received on Friday, 12 March 2010 20:26:34 UTC