RE: National Identification Number URIs ( NIN URIs )

> David Booth's excellent [1] "Converting New URI Schemes or URN Sub-
> Schemes to HTTP" is a discussion of the mapping between URNs or other
> non-HTTP identifiers, and (cool) HTTP ones.  I summarise it as "it's OK
> to have both"

Hmmm... the paper ends with:

"HTTP URIs with specialized prefixes provide greater capability than URIs based on new URI schemes or URN sub-schemes in virtually all cases.  Furthermore, such HTTP URIs seem better equipped to survive the test of time than URIs based on new URI schemes or URN sub-schemes."

which hardly seems like a ringing endorsement of "it's OK to have both"?



Andy Powell
Research Programme Director
t: 01225 474319
m: 07989 476710
twitter: @andypowe11

Received on Monday, 8 March 2010 15:46:15 UTC