Re: Inclusion of additional (non dereferencable) data?

On 10 Jun 2010, at 17:24, Nathan wrote:

> Here's a common example of what I'm referring to, suppose we have a (foaf) document which includes the following triples:
>  :me foaf:knows <> .
>  <> a foaf:Person ;
>    foaf:name "Joe Bloggs"@en .

This is ok by me. Adding more information is useful, as
mentioned as it helps reduce connections. If you had a 1000 
in your foaf file without any information, your client would
need to make 1000 calls to get the info.

Pragmatically there is no need to make a big fuss about this.
People add what they want. If what they do goes out of date, then
people will notice this.

Your task as a UI designer is to allow people to 

 1. see where the information came from
 2. remove information from graphs they don't trust

Like But if you don't crawl the whole web, you will get
a much better effect.

  Resources that make claims about other people that keeps changing,
will be a nussance and avoided. So there will be social pressure to
get that right.


Received on Friday, 11 June 2010 09:28:18 UTC