Re: as Linked Data

Hey Paul,

Great work. Thanks!

On Monday 07 June 2010 21:16:11 Paul Groth wrote:
> [...]
> What do you think is the most appropriate approach  "linking out" from
> existing data sources is?

The most valuable interlinking from my POV would be links between the 
Slideshare data and peoples' personal data (i.e. FOAF files). A good start 
would be for you to also mint URIs in your namespace for the sioc:Account 
(instead of using the Slideshare URL) because these URIs could be used by 
people in their FOAF file in order to link to your dataset. Adding such links 
to your datasets seems much more challenging, very valuable nonetheless.


Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 19:53:53 UTC