Re: An idea I need help with, or told to stop wasting time on!

On 7 Jun 2010, at 09:39, Michael Schneider wrote:

>> Thus is it safe to say that this would be a problem in OWL DL as well?:
>>  :x owl:sameAs 'a literal'^^xsd:string .
> No, owl:sameAs cannot be used with literals in OWL DL. It can only be used
> with URIs (named individuals). What you are doing here is, again, "genuine"
> OWL Full, because OWL Full treats data values as individuals.

If you look at the rdf semantics document it spends a lot of time showing how one can turn literals into bnodes.

(I can't quite remember where now)

I wonder what the problem owl has with doing this. And also I wonder if it is easy to create some new owl version that could deal with that. 


Received on Monday, 7 June 2010 07:56:41 UTC