Re: Request for Feedback, Suggestions on TaxonConcept Species Concepts

On Fri, 4 Jun 2010 18:06:08 -0500
Peter DeVries <> wrote:

> I would appreciate feedback on these models and any suggestions for
> how they could be improved. :-)

The following:

@prefix txn: <> .

	a owl:Class ;
	txn:kingdom "Animalia" ;
	txn:phylum "Arthropoda" ;
	txn:class "Insecta" ;
	txn:order "Lepidoptera" ;
	txn:family "Nymphalidae" ;
	txn:genus "Danaus" ;
	txn:epithet "plexippus" ;
	txn:author_year "(Linnaeus, 1758)" ;
	txn:commonName "Monarch Butterfly" ;
	foaf:page <foo> .

Appears to be an almost identical way of representing a species concept
to the one I came up with a couple of years ago:

@prefix txn: <> .

	a txn:Taxonomy ;
	# note: txn:Taxonomy rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class.
	txn:kingdom "Animalia" ;
	txn:phylum "Arthropoda" ;
	txn:class "Insecta" ;
	txn:order "Lepidoptera" ;
	txn:family "Nymphalidae" ;
	txn:genus "Danaus" ;
	txn:species "plexippus" ;
	txn:authority "Linnaeus, 1758" ;
	txn:commonName "Monarch Butterfly" ;
	txn:seeAlso <foo> .

I wonder if you could reuse the URIs I minted rather than creating new

If we could stamp out any incompatibilities between the two ontologies,
then I'd be happy to point the URI at your
ontology, so we'd just have a single merged ontology.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Sunday, 6 June 2010 09:20:46 UTC