Re: Organization ontology

Hi Dave

Great resource indeed. One remark, one suggestion, and one question :)

Remark : Just found out what seems to be a mistake in the N3 file.

org:role a owl:ObjectProperty, rdf:Property;
    rdfs:label "role"@en;
    rdfs:domain org:Membership;
    rdfs:range  foaf:Agent;

I guess one should read :    rdfs:range  org:Role

Suggestion : I always feel uneasy with having class and property just
distinct by upper/lower case. Suggest to change the property to org:hasRole

Question : Will RDF-XML file available at some point?

Keep the good work going



2010/6/1 Dave Reynolds <>

> We would like to announce the availability of an ontology for description
> of organizational structures including government organizations.
> This was motivated by the needs of the project. After some
> checking we were unable to find an existing ontology that precisely met our
> needs and so developed this generic core, intended to be extensible to
> particular domains of use.
> The ontology is documented at [1] and some discussion on the requirements
> and design process are at [2].
> W3C have been kind enough to offer to host the ontology within the W3C
> namespace [3]. This does not imply that W3C endorses the ontology, nor that
> it is part of any standards process at this stage. They are simply providing
> a stable place for posterity.
> Any changes to the ontology involving removal of, or modification to,
> existing terms (but not necessarily addition of new terms) will be announced
> to these lists. We suggest that any discussion take place on the public-lod
> list to avoid further cross-posting.
> Dave, Jeni, John
> [1]
> [2]
> [3] (available in RDF/XML, N3, Turtle via conneg
> or append .rdf/.n3/.ttl)

Bernard Vatant
Senior Consultant
Vocabulary & Data Engineering
Tel:       +33 (0) 971 488 459
3, cité Nollez 75018 Paris France

Received on Tuesday, 1 June 2010 15:03:56 UTC