Re: The Counter Ontology

Hi Vasiliy,

Am 20.07.2010 15:50, schrieb Vasiliy Faronov:
> Bob Ferris wrote:
>> How can I make sure that the value of my counter concept is of the type
>> xsd:Integer? I think with the current definition:
>> co:count
>>         rdf:type rdf:Property , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
>>         rdfs:comment "Links a counter resource to the actual count"@en ;
>>         rdfs:domain co:Counter ;
>>         rdfs:isDefinedBy co: ;
>>         rdfs:label "has count"@en ;
>>         rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
>>         vs:term_status "stable"@en .
>> it works.
> Hmm. I may be mistaken here, but I think that's a wrong declaration.
> The range of co:count is not xsd:integer, it's rdfs:Literal.
> rdfs:Literal is the class, xsd:integer is a datatype (a special feature
> of the rdfs:Literal class). In other words, you don't write:
> 	"99" a xsd:integer .
> but instead:
> 	"99"^^xsd:integer a rdfs:Literal .
> At least, the FOAF and SIOC ontologies specify rdfs:Literal as the range
> of datatype properties.

If you have a look at the owl:DatatypeProperty example from the OWL 

<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="yearValue">
   <rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#VintageYear" />
   <rdfs:range  rdf:resource="&xsd;positiveInteger"/>

I think, I can add owl:DatatypeProperty as rdf:type to co:count to make 
this definition stronger, or?

> Also note that you can't really "make sure" that the value is of the
> right type, unless people use some kind of RDFS-driven validator, which
> I guess isn't common.

Therefore, I include such range definition, to enable a user of my 
ontology the opportunity to provide an automated check for that.




Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 15:57:37 UTC