Re: The Counter Ontology

Hi Vasiliy,

Am 20.07.2010 14:39, schrieb Vasiliy Faronov:
> Bob Ferris wrote:
>> The second property of co:Counter is co:count, which is a simple
>> xsd:int based datatype property.
> Any reasons for not using rdf:value[1]?
> Not that it would make a lot of difference, but seems like this property
> was made exactly for such statements.

Good question, however, when I read through the description of 
rdf:value[1], I found also:

"..the principle that such simple values are often insufficient to 
adequately describe these values is an important one. In a global 
environment such as the Web, it is generally not safe to make the 
assumption that anyone accessing a property value will understand the 
units being used.."

How can I make sure that the value of my counter concept is of the type 
xsd:Integer? I think with the current definition:

       rdf:type rdf:Property , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
       rdfs:comment "Links a counter resource to the actual count"@en ;
       rdfs:domain co:Counter ;
       rdfs:isDefinedBy co: ;
       rdfs:label "has count"@en ;
       rdfs:range xsd:integer ;
       vs:term_status "stable"@en .

it works.



> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 20 July 2010 12:56:37 UTC