Re: Delegating trust via.. ? rdfs:seeAlso or?

On 19 Apr 2010, at 10:26, Leigh Dodds wrote:

> Hi,
> On 19 April 2010 10:18, Nathan <> wrote:
>> I'd very much like to split my personal information in to multiple rdf
>> documents, as in have a base foaf profile that doesn't really change,
>> then additional documents, for instance on of which may be a frequently
>> changing list of things which I have foaf:made.
>> To do this I need to link from my "myself" to the other document(s),
>> something along the lines of:
>> <> rdfs:seeAlso
>> <> .

Good question. I would like to do the same. My recent short WebId is

Clearly it would be inappropriate to list all my friends of my 
home page. (In fact I am not yet quite sure how I should organise that page)

> rdfs:seeAlso is appropriate here [1]. You're refering to another
> relevant RDF document.

At the same time how relevant it is will depend on usage. If there are a lot
of rdfs:seeAlso links that point pretty much to any type of resource, then the
value of following such a link could be too small. rdfs:seeAlso is very generic,
and it seems to be functioning somewhat like a <a href="/other">see Also</a> link,
which if there are enough on the page, could be a bit difficult for a client 
to work with.

>> I'm keen to avoid sameas, and seeAlso appears to be a close fit, but I'm
>> worried about general usage of seeAlso as linking to "something else
>> that might have some more info, and might be in rdf, but might be anything".
> The use case you've described isn't new. I've been using a similar
> structure in my FOAF file for years.

That's cool. But it is not yet a proof of concept, because people don't yet use
foaf files for anything very much, other than perhaps for running big experimental
crawlers on data. In those cases seeAlso links work.

But if we are to build applications that have more immediate response times, we may need
relations with better semantics.

So I'd say one should use seeAlso, but we should perhaps keep our eye out for clever
and useful subproperties, such as those linking a user to his social graph document,

> Cheers,
> L.
> [1].
> -- 
> Leigh Dodds
> Programme Manager, Talis Platform
> Talis

Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 13:19:03 UTC