Delegating trust via.. ? rdfs:seeAlso or?

Hi All,

I'd very much like to split my personal information in to multiple rdf
documents, as in have a base foaf profile that doesn't really change,
then additional documents, for instance on of which may be a frequently
changing list of things which I have foaf:made.

To do this I need to link from my "myself" to the other document(s),
something along the lines of:

<> rdfs:seeAlso
<> .

I'm keen to avoid sameas, and seeAlso appears to be a close fit, but I'm
worried about general usage of seeAlso as linking to "something else
that might have some more info, and might be in rdf, but might be anything".

Any pointers?

background reason: keen to keep my core foaf profile small, static and
http cache friendly, which will become increasingly more important as
foaf+ssl roles out - and because I believe providing granular static
access to resources is the way to go (and indeed why the web works).



Received on Monday, 19 April 2010 09:19:08 UTC