Re: What would you build with a web of data?

On 10/04/2010 12:10, "Yves Raimond" <> wrote:

>> My observation is that there are zero real apps using linked open data (i.e.
>> data from "the cloud"). Not even a single one. Null.
>> After 3 years of "linking open data"...
> Aw. Come on Georgi. How can you launch such a FUD after having seen a
> demo of the amazing Musicbore, really.
> I won't even bother mentioning other (potentially more useful) apps
> re-using/publishing Linked Data, as I am pretty sure you're entirely
> aware of their existence :-)
Ok, so in the unlikely event that you don't know, I will also mention yet again :-), and even .
It doesn't look like Linked Data - but that is the whole point.
But it does use the unbounded web of data, finding links using sameas,
resolving and SPARQLing, doing federated query, publishing content using
fresnel, etc..
And it has been around in that form for more than 3 years.
> y

Received on Saturday, 10 April 2010 12:01:01 UTC