Re: Announce: Linked Data Patterns book

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your perspective--this problem is something I haven't
considered before. But let me bring up a question.

Suppose we have the resource (URI) X, which is the original resource
that the annotations are all about. Someone comes around and publishes
an annotation about X, using a newly minted URI Y (owl:sameAs X).

Y conforms perfectly to the Linked Data model: you can dereference Y and
get the annotation for X, then follow the owl:sameAs link and get the
"authoritative" description of X.

But the question is: where else in the Linked Data graph would we find
references to Y? Since everyone wishing to annotate X mints their own
URIs, we end up with a number of equivalent URIs that all point to X,
but are themselves not pointed to. In other words: using URI Y in a
description would constitue an annotation, and thus, according to your
model, warrant minting a new URI Z. So, even though Y can be linked to,
nobody actually ends up doing this.

Maybe I'm missing some other uses for Y?

Vasiliy Faronov

Received on Wednesday, 7 April 2010 00:32:03 UTC