ANN: alternative to cURL for debugging URIs

Dear LODers,

We announce a new tool for Linked Data publishers as well as developers of 
Linked Data based applications. You may use our tool [1] as an alternative to 
the command line tool cURL for debugging Linked Data sites [2]. Our tool 
allows you to dereference URIs and it visualizes the HTTP response of the 
server. In contrast to cURL, you may directly select each URI that occurs in 
the response in order to initiate the dereferencing of the selected URI with 
our tool. Hence, with our tool you may avoid the cumbersome copying and 
pasting of URIs on the command line as is necessary with curl. Furthermore, 
you may view the response body in different RDF serialization formats and you 
may inspect RDF data embedded in XHTML+RDFa documents. To make our tool
a real Linked Data application that can also be accessed by software agents we 
embed an RDF description of the visualized HTTP messages in the HTML output.

 Annika, Olaf


 Olaf Hartig
  Database and Information Systems Research Group
  Department of Computer Science
  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Received on Monday, 12 October 2009 14:03:07 UTC