dbpedia wishlist

The SPARQL interface is great, but it would be nice if dbpedia provided
a few shortcuts for some simple operations which shouldn't need complex
requests to handle. In particular, what I'd like to see would be:

1. A page that I can post a great big list of dbpedia resource URIs to
and get back an N-Triples file containing just dbprop:redirect triples
for any of those URLs which is a redirect. This would provide a quick
and easy way of fixing my references to dbpedia.

2. A request for <http://dbpedia.org/depiction/%s> should run the
following SPARQL query (or equivalent):

 SELECT ?depiction

If no results are found, it should return a 404, but if a result is
found, perform a 302 redirect to the depiction found.


Received on Thursday, 14 May 2009 11:59:44 UTC