Re: New LOD Cloud - Please send us links to missing data sources

On Sun, 2009-03-01 at 01:30 +0100, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:
>         congrats and kudos to all those who've made this happen. I
>         think the cloud diagrams are proving a very compelling visual
>         for people who don't care about nerdy detail but understand
>         the idea of interlinked datasets.
> Yes they're great for handwaving if the audience has never seen it,
> otherwise its likely counterproductive 

Why, these bubbles and links sparkle imagination! That's the main
purpose :)

They allow developers to dream about what they can do. And they give
publishers a kick in the butt, because they (might) see the possibility
of being the first to offer certain kind of data not there yet and build
an ecosystem (partly) around themselves.

> The problem is that LOD has been stuck here 2 years really now, not a
> single advance not a single application (of the LOD model, not of the
> data, the data is obviously useful and expressing in RDF is also
> starting to be seen as useful) .

I don't see the difference between the LOD model and the data (including
links) itself. At least to us at Zemanta it is immensely helpful to have
a lot of those links done. It brings down the cost of doing really
innovative stuff to us and I believe to many others too.

We don't dereference them in real-time, but ahead-of-time to produce
specialized datasets, but I don't think that makes a difference.

> That the bubbles continue to grown is however a sociological
> interesting phenomen :-)

And a good sign that something has gone right :)

> On the positive side,  i recently reviewed some work by someone who
> has a very interesting way to create a diagram which actually helps by
> showing which queries can be asked.  Too bad you wont see it in action
> at ESWC because the demo paper was  "not up to the springer standards
> for legibility", according to some other reviewer.

If the woman/guy really has an interesting stuff on her/his hands there
are so many other avenues to get the ideas, knowledge and awareness into
the public. :)

This list for example, blogs around the web, etc :) I think acceptance
to scientific conferences is (partly) outgrown measure for success of
LOD-related activities. Working prototypes and applications delivering
real value are. Datasets enabling previously unreachable functionalities
are. Voice will be spread on the back of delivering value.

I think LOD achievement is enormous and this is only the start.

> Giovanni
Andraz Tori, CTO
Zemanta Ltd, London, Ljubljana
tel: +386 41 515 767
twitter: andraz, skype: minmax_test

Received on Sunday, 1 March 2009 23:12:03 UTC