Re: Visualization of domain and range

I think you're "better" graphic has an extra rdf:domain where an  
rdf:range should be.


On Jun 25, 2009, at 2:59 AM, Bernhard Schandl wrote:

> Hi,
> a couple of times now I ran into misunderstandings by students  
> regarding a common visualization style of property domain/range  
> relationships in ontologies. Actually, it is quite common to draw  
> diagrams of ontologies in a style similar to ER diagrams, where  
> classes are represented as ellipses, and properties that have these  
> classes as domain/range are represented as arcs between these  
> ellipses (e.g. [1], which is meant to describe the domain and range  
> for foaf:holdsAccount).
> However many "newbies" to RDF and ontologies are confused by this,  
> because the triple
> foaf:Agent foaf:holdsAccount foaf:OnlineAccount .
> is actually not contained in the ontology. It's hard to explain them  
> the difference between this way of representing ontologies and the  
> graphical representation of the actual triples. Thus I ask everyone  
> to reconsider the way you visualize ontologies in publications,  
> tutorials, etc. to make them consistent with the "normal" way of  
> graphical RDF notation.
> [1] <>
> [2] < 
> >
> Best,
> Bernhard

Received on Thursday, 25 June 2009 10:19:42 UTC