Re: gimmee some data!

So, I realize it's a bit late -- at least for British Summer Time,
but, technically it's still Ian's birthday here in EDT.

I took the LibraryThing data dumps (
- although they're a little out of date) and remodeled them a bit.
Currently I just have thingISBN loaded, although CoverThing and
WikipediaCitations will be loaded sometime tomorrow (let's call it
Ian's birthday week).

So take an ISBN:

or a LibraryThing "works" id (what appears as a LT page for a given book):

And it gives you a very rough FRBR manifestation to work grouping.

It's all just RDFa, presently, but I've roughed out some RDF/XML that
will go in place there tomorrow along with the other data loads.

Happy (somewhat belated) birthday, Ian.


On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Danny Ayers<> wrote:
> It's Ian Davis' birthday tomorrow, and for it he wants some linked data.
> So what datasets does anyone know of that can be translated relatively
> quick & easy, the stuff you are planning to do one day when you get
> time..?
> --

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 05:39:20 UTC