Re: Common Tag - semantic tagging convention

Francois -

Agree - I think knowing who created a tag is an important annotation.   
The thought was that you could "mix in" another vocabulary's property  
like foaf:maker for things like that.

Common Tag is simply a small skeleton for representing the basic Tag  
structure.  The hope was people would dress this up with other useful  
vocabularies for the range of tasks Common Tags could be applied to.

Copied from the Common Tag Quick Start Guide [1]:

<body xmlns:ctag=""
     <span typeof="ctag:ReaderTag">
          <span rel="ctag:means"  resource=" 
         <span rel="foaf:maker" resource=" 



Jamie Taylor, Ph.D.
Minister of Information
Metaweb Technologies, Inc.
Author "Programming the Semantic Web"

On Jun 12, 2009, at 10:13 AM, François Dongier wrote:

> 2009/6/12 Peter Mika <>
> Maybe others can comment as well, but I do think it's [taggingDate]  
> an important piece of information, e.g. to determine recently  
> popular tags.
> In my very humble opinion, **who** tagged a resource with ctag T at  
> time t could also be a very useful information to store. I'm  
> expecting that in the near future we will have rich user profiles,  
> based on sets of semantic tags (semantic tagclouds, if you prefer).  
> Communities of interest, not just individual people, could also be  
> defined in terms of such semantic cIouds. I think lots of  
> interesting computations could be done over that kind of  
> information: personalised reading recommendations obviously, but  
> also relativisation of the popularity of a tagset (and I agree the  
> timestamp is useful for that) to a particular community of users.
> For this sort of thing, don't we need a "taggedBy" property?

Received on Friday, 12 June 2009 18:18:02 UTC