Re: ESWC2009: Linked Data gathering

Hi Dan,

2009/6/1 Dan Brickley <>:
> On 1/6/09 10:48, Tom Heath wrote:
>> Hi Dan,
>> 2009/5/31 Dan Brickley<>:
>>> On 31/5/09 10:40, Tom Heath wrote:
>>>> Hi Michael,
>>>> The proposed time (7pm on the 1st) clashes with the LarKC Reception;
>>>> from a political point of view there would probably be some value in
>>>> Linked Data folks attending that event :)
>>> Why frame it in political terms? From an interesting-people-to-talk-to
>>> point
>>> of view, it'd be worth attending. From a using conferences to allow
>>> sub-groups of our wider community to get to know each other, it'd
>>> probably
>>> be worth attending. From a figuring out how on earth we can compute with
>>> all
>>> this RDF data once it's out there perspective, also. And who knows, there
>>> might even be a free glass of wine in it too, I've no idea. Sorry I can't
>>> make it to either meetup this year...
>> Why not? I choose that aspect as one that felt important, but chose
>> not to enumerate all the other possible reasons for going.
> Can you spell out what you mean by "politics" in this situation? Maybe we're
> talking past each other...

To phrase it a different way, my hunch was that scheduling a Linked
Data event to clash with the LarKC reception may have given the
impression that the Linked Data community doesn't care about reasoning
over very large amounts of data.


Dr Tom Heath
Platform Division
Talis Information Ltd
T: 0870 400 5000

Received on Monday, 1 June 2009 15:15:30 UTC