Representing time varying data - suggestions for ontologies?

Suppose I want to say something like:

The total rainfall in Edinburgh in 2006 was 600mm.

There are various ways to do it, but I'd probably go for something  
like this in pseudo-RDF

Edinburgh  hasMeasuredProperty  _b
_b  measureOf  "Annual Rainfall"
_b  period  "2006"
_b  rdf:value  "600"
_b  unit  "mm"

(with some xsd data types added in).

The same general pattern applies to population of a country, or sales  
of a product etc. I'd expect this pattern of data to appear very  
frequently, but found it surprisingly difficult to find similar  
examples on the web (other than in the RDF Primer! - and the  
GoodRelations ontology does this kind of thing for  
PriceSpecification).  Can anyone suggest good ontologies/vocabularies  
I should consider in areas like socio-economic data, physical  
properties, weather, earth science that support this type of structure?

The NASA Jet Propulsion Lab SWEET ontologies seem relevant and are  
very comprehensive, if rather sparsely documented ( 
). Anyone used those in anger?

Thanks for any tips


Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 16:29:35 UTC