Re: Links from Myspace to Musicbrainz

Hello Leigh!

> Can you provide some examples of the data? I was looking for myspace
> links in the MusicBrainz data set earlier in the week but couldn't
> find any.
> This query:
> PREFIX mo: <>
> SELECT ?myspace WHERE {
>  ?x mo:myspace ?myspace.
> }
> LIMIT 10
> Returns no results from the musicbrainz SPARQL endpoint linked from
> [1] and eventually times out with a Proxy error from [2]. I also tried
> some variants using foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf. I'm probably missing
> something here.

The links to myspace are using owl:sameAs. The mo:myspace property
points to a document (the myspace page), whereas we're asserting
sameAs links between the same artists in Musicbrainz and Myspace. Try
something like:

PREFIX mo: <>
SELECT ?myspace WHERE {
 ?x a mo:MusicArtist;
   owl:sameAs ?myspace.
FILTER ( REGEX(str(?myspace), "^") )


Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 09:33:25 UTC