ANN: XLWrap-Server wraps any spreadsheets to RDF


I would like to announce the release of XLWrap and XLWrap-Server,  
which can be used to:

- publish information stored ins spreadsheets
- semantically integrate multiple spreadsheets in LANs/Intra/Extranets
- support rapid prototyping of WOD apps (edit human-readable live data  
behind the exposed SPARQL endpoint)


- wraps arbitrary representation layouts (simple lists but also cross  
tables over mutliple sheets, files...) to arbitrary RDF graphs
- wraps MS Excel, OpenDocument and large CSV files
- suports local and HTTP file loading
- supports expressions similar to Excel/OpenOffice Calc such as A4 &  
B4, SHA(A3), NOW(), etc.
- supports external references from base workbook
- supports custom functions
- usage via API (based on Jena) or SPARQL endpoint

More details & Download:

I appreciate any comments. The software is beta now.

Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Langegger
FAW - Institute for Application-oriented Knowledge Processing
Johannes Kepler University Linz
A-4040 Linz, Altenberger Straße 69

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 23:47:56 UTC