DBpedia Update and Pending Changeover


We are about to transition DBpedia from a Virtuoso 5 instance over to a 
Virtuoso 6.x (Cluster Edition) instance  sometime this week after a few 
days of live testing against a temporary secondary instance [1].  The 
new release also includes our much vaunted server side faceted browsing 
[2] that leverages SPARQL aggregates and configurable interaction time 
for query payloads (*note the retry feature which increments the 
interactive time window to demonstrate full effects*).

In the process of conducting this effort, we discovered that the Yago 
Class Hierarchy hadn't been loaded (courtesy of some TBox subsumption 
work  performed by the W3C's HCLS project participants such as Rob Frost).

In addition, Virtuoso 6.x introduces TBox subsumption via new 
Virtuoso-SPARQL transitivity options as exemplified below using the V6.0 
instance at:
http://dbpedia2.openlinksw.com:8895/sparql (or /isparql).

-- Yago Subsumption based AlphaReceptors query
select ?y
from <http://dbpedia.org/resource/classes/yago#>
where {
         { select *
           where { ?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y . }
         option (transitive,
                 t_in (?x),
                 t_out (?y)
                 )  .
         filter (?x = 

-- Yago Subsumption based Receptors query
select ?x
from <http://dbpedia.org/resource/classes/yago#>
where {
         { select *
           where { ?x rdfs:subClassOf ?y . }
         option (transitive,
                 t_in (?x),
                 t_out (?y)
                 ) .
         filter (?y = <http://dbpedia.org/class/yago/Receptor105608868>)


1. http://dbpedia.org/resource/DBpedia - test URI
2. http://dbpedia2.openlinksw.com:8895/fct/facet.vsp - server hosted 
faceted browser.



Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software     Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2009 23:07:51 UTC