Re: Lightweight RDF to Map Various Semantic Representations of Species

Hi Peter,

Impressive work -- on the topic of species, this seems to be the  
dataset to end all datasets ;-)

I get confused by all the links though. Why is everything mentioned in  
the file connected to everything else? Why are there three sets of  
foaf:topic links, where everything is a topic of everything else?  
Isn't all this a bit overkill? Wouldn't it be enough to have the  
outgoing links exactly once?

Other minor things:

1. skos:scopeNote: "Provides metadata about the this .rdf page" --  
"the this". It's also a bit weird -- the subject of the statement *is*  
the RDF page, so you're saying: "This RDF page provides metadata about  
this RDF page."

2. The dcterms:description of the HTML page states that it's an RDF  

3. cc:license is incorrectly capitalised (twice)

Some specifics about the voiD document:

1. You say that your links are subsets of the datasets they link to.  
For example, you say that your TaxonConcept-to-Freebase links are a  
subset of Freebase. That is only true if they are physically contained  
in the Freebase dataset, which I think is not the case. They are a  
subset of the TaxonConcept dataset, because they are served as part of  
the TaxonConcept web site, but not Freebase.

2. The uriRegexPattern is "^$", which  
means it contains exactly one URI (because of anchoring at the  
beginning and end). That's probably not the intention?

3. The URI is listed twice as  

4. cc:license is incorrectly capitalised (twice).

5. You have a triple "<void.rdf> foaf:topic <void.rdf>"

6. You state that the web site is the  
publisher of the voiD file. A document cannot be a publisher.

7. You bind the sc: namespace to the Semantic Sitemap XML namespace.  
That's not an RDF namespace, and you never use it anyway. (Including  
it is harmless though of course.)


On 30 Nov 2009, at 01:25, Peter DeVries wrote:

> Hi LOD'ers :-)
> I am trying to work out some way to map the various semantic  
> representations
> for a species, in conjunction with a friendly three letter  
> organization.
> The goal of these documents is in part to improve "findability" of
> information about species.
> The hope is that they will also help serve as a bridge from the LOD
> to species information from the three letter organization and it's  
> partners.
> The resources are mapped using skos:closeMatch.
> This should allow consumers to choose those attributes of each species
> resource that they think are appropriate.
> It has been suggested to me that more comprehensive documents  
> describing
> species should be in the form of OWL documents, so I have included
> nonfunctional links to these hypothetical resources.
> I have the following examples, and am looking for comments and  
> suggestions.
> RDF Example
> <>Ontology
> <>Ontology Doc
> VOID    
> <>I look forward  
> to your
> comments and suggestions, :-)
> - Pete
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Pete DeVries
> Department of Entomology
> University of Wisconsin - Madison
> 445 Russell Laboratories
> 1630 Linden Drive
> Madison, WI 53706
> GeoSpecies Knowledge Base
> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Tuesday, 1 December 2009 14:32:22 UTC