Re: Help with Musicbrainz

> ====== SNIP ============
> <title>Error 400 Parse error:
> prefix foaf: &lt;;  prefix rdf:  &lt;
> Encountered "&lt;" at line 1, column 57.
> Was expecting:
>    &lt;IRIref&gt; ...
>    </title>
> </head>

i believe your mistake is in the url encoding.  you're using the
HTML-style encoding where < becomes &lt;

actually, you can just leave '<' and '>' unencoded i think.  i'm using
python to make the query -

In [1]: import urllib

In [2]: query = '''prefix foaf: <>  prefix
rdf:  <>  SELECT ?type
WHERE { ?name foaf:name 'Screwtape' . ?name rdf:type ?type  }'''

In [3]: query_esc = urllib.quote(query)

In [4]: response =

In [5]: print
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<sparql xmlns="">
   <variable name="type"/>
     <binding name="type">

notice i'm just using the handy urllib library to do the url escaping.
 which ever language you're using, there is surely a similar library.

also for completeness, here's what the percent encoded query looks like:

In [6]: print query_esc

I also recommend SPARQLWrapper for python for querying endpoints.

Hope this helps!


Received on Tuesday, 25 August 2009 09:30:51 UTC