Re: ProductDB

On Fri, 2009-08-14 at 10:15 +0100, Ian Davis wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the first release of ProductDB:

Nice. This, I think, would be very useful in conjunction with a few
terms to link products to people and organisations.

Firstly: where are products available?

 <> :availableFrom <#someShop> .

(GoodRelations probably has a term that can be used here.)

Secondly: what do I have?

 <#me> :hasOneOf <> .

Or maybe:

 <#me> :has [ :isOneOf <> ] .

Which is less simple, but allows me to state additional information
about the particular phone I have.

Thirdly: what do I want?

 <#me> :wantsOneOf <> .

The "firstly" and "thirdly" data combine nicely to allow FOAF files to
include "Wishlists" similar to the Wishlist feature on and
similar sites.

Does anyone know of any vocabs that provide terms like these? If not,
shall I add to the VoCampBristol2009 todo list?

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 14 August 2009 09:48:10 UTC