[ANN] OntoWiki 0.9 available (Semantic Data Wiki)

Dear colleagues,

the AKSW team [1] is very delighted to announce a new major release of our 
semantic data wiki OntoWiki [2]. OntoWiki 0.9 is available from:


A screencast showing some new features is also available at:


Contributors for this release include: Nathanael Arndt, Philipp Frischmuth, 
Michael Haschke, Norman Heino, Sebastian Hellmann, Julian Jöris, Michael 
Martin, Christoph Riess, Jörg Unbehauen, Sören Auer.

Below you find a list of the major additions for this release as well as a list 
of extensions, which are activated by default.

Best regards,

Sebastian Dietzold

[1] AKSW homepage: http://aksw.org
[2] OntoWiki homepage: http://ontowiki.net
[3] OntoWiki developer page: http://code.google.com/p/ontowiki/

== OntoWiki 0.9 Frontend Changes ==

- *RDFa widget editing* This feature separates the visualization of the RDF 
data in the browser from the statement editing component by using RDFa 
annotations inside the view and JavaScript editing widgets which are sensible 
to the type and context of the edited data.
- *Extension architecture* with support for components, themes, datawrapper, 
translations and generic plugins: Most of OntoWiki's functionality is 
implemented as extensions now, thus keeping the OntoWiki core very small.
- *Authentication support* for local sioc:Users, FOAF+SSL WebIDs and OpenIDs.
- *Support for LinkedData* both as server and consumer (see data gathering 
backend below).
- *Translations* in English, German an Chinese

== OntoWiki 0.9 Backend Changes (Erfurt) ==

- Separation of the Semantic Web API Erfurt from the OntoWiki core
- Support for *multiple SPARQL RDF stores*: Implementations are available for 
Virtuoso and ZendDB (i.e. MySQL), allowing installations with support for 
millions of triples.- *Pattern based query cache*: In order to improve the 
performance of Semantic Web applications, we developed an approach for caching 
SPARQL query results and complete application objects, which is sensitive to 
knowledge store updates.
- *Data gathering*: Support for plugable data gathering backends e.g. for 
LinkedData gathering, DataWrapper for Twitter and Musicbrainz or Exporter e.g. 
for EXIF data

== Selected extensions packed with OntoWiki 0.9 ==

- *FileManager*: Upload / serve files and manage associated metadata.
- *Community*: Create comments and discuss resources.
- *History/versioning*: See last changes, browse history and rollback edits.
- *Map extension*: Visualize resources which have direct and indirect
geo-attributes attached.

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2009 17:06:31 UTC