Re: Anyone RDFized IP address geolocation data?

On Aug 1, 2009, at 5:31 AM, Danny Ayers wrote:

> Also, what would be my best bet for mapping country codes ("US" etc)
> to the country's entry in dbpedia (or nearby)? What I'm aiming for is
> something like:
> [    a IPMapping;
>     ipAddressRange "123.321.0.0";
>     country <#country>   ]
> <#country> a Country;
>    countryCode "XX" .
> Suggestions on whether I should retain/modify the original indexing
> and appropriate vocabs appreciated too :)

The DAML iso countries ontology[1] has terms for this:

     iso:code "GB" ;
     iso:name "UNITED KINGDOM" ;
     a iso:Country .



Received on Saturday, 1 August 2009 17:34:38 UTC