LOD-consumer SPARQLBot / query federation

Hi LODers,

just FYI, as some people discussed query federation and
commandline-like access to LOD. 

SPARQLScript[1] (the scripting language SPARQLBot[2] is based on) 
doesn't have declarative syntax for pattern federation (such as 
Andy's SERVICE option), but it provides similar possibilities 
through queries in loops and an ENDPOINT keyword. I used this 
feature to spot links between CrunchBase and DBPedia. SPARQLBot
has a couple of commands that span multiple LOD sources as well. 

Early/Experimental stuff, but sort-of worky and deployable to
hosted web servers (ARC has a SPARQLScript implementation).


[1] http://arc.semsol.org/docs/v2/sparqlscript
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/semantic-web/2008Sep/0160.html

Benjamin Nowack

Received on Tuesday, 23 September 2008 13:16:05 UTC