Call for Participation: WOD-PD 2008

                 WOD-PD 2008 Call for Participation

                 22-23 October 2008, Vienna, Austria

The Web of Data Practitioners Days is a new application-oriented event for
Semantic Web practitioners and interested newcomers. It is intended to 
communicate the results of the past years' semantic systems activities to a
broader audience, especially to practitioners from industry and academia.
In a cooperative effort, four major Austrian institutions, which have
actively been conducting research in that area throughout the past years,
will set the stage for this event.

Participants will have the opportunity to see how semantic technologies may
improve and enhance existing Web-based software systems and how the Web of
Data will provide a completely new paradigm of managing globally 
interlinked information. As a result, attendees will get a better idea
about the practical benefits of semantic solutions and researchers obtain
valuable feedback for further research directions aiming at productivity
and applicability of the existing technology for real-world use cases.

We are proud to announce that the following experts will give talks and
guide hands-on sessions at the Web of Data Practitioners Days:

* Keith Alexander - Talis (United Kingdom)
* Yves Raimond - Queen Mary University of London (United Kingdom)
* Leo Sauermann - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (Germany)
* Sören Auer - University of Leipzig (Germany)
* Richard Cyganiak - DERI Galway (Ireland)
* Alan Dix - Lancaster University (United Kingdom)
* Ansgar Scherp - University of Koblenz-Landau (Germany)
* Danny Ayers - Talis (United Kingdom)
* Thomas Schandl - Semantic Web Company (Austria)

* Anyone interested in applying the Semantic Web / Web of Data
* Anyone interested in metadata and vocabularies on the Web
* Software developers
* Web 2.0 developers
* Webmasters
* Junior and senior researchers in industry and academia
* Chief Information Officers
* Chief Technology Officers
* Press and Analysts
* Technology Consultants

The event will last two days and feature six sessions, each starting with
an introductory keynote, followed by a hands-on session where the attendees
can actively experiment with existing tools and get together with leading
researchers and other practitioners.

* Web of Data 101
* Semantic Desktop Solutions
* Bringing Legacy Data on the Web
* Using the Web of Data (HCI)
* Multimedia in the Web of Data
* Social Aspects in the Web of Data

On Wednesday October 22nd an Open Hacking Session will take place in the
evening where everybody is invited to contribute.

For detailed information see

Register online at

The registration fee of only EUR 150 includes:
* Access to all WOD-PD sessions on both days of the event
* Access to Open Hacking Session on Wednesday October 22nd
* WLAN internet access
* Conference proceedings
* Lunch on both days of the event
* Coffee and soft drinks

As the maximum number of participants is limited make sure to register early!

All contact information can be found at

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 12:34:18 UTC