Re: Some FOAF services

Hi Giovanni,

We weren't really intending to build a Google Social Graph equivalent,  
that was Libby's observation. But, I would guess that we have lower  
coverage (we only inter FOAF files, and we only have about 3 million  
files indexed currently), but we're standards compliant and we have  
more variety of information via the FOAF source.

- Steve

On 30 Nov 2008, at 13:40, Giovanni Tummarello wrote:

> Hi Misha,
> would you have a comparison between this and the google social graph  
> api?
> I understand that also follows FOAF links (e.g. see livejournal etc).
> I guess they're less specialized however?
> Giovanni
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:25 PM, Mischa@Garlik
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Am mailing round to announce some FOAF related services Garlik are  
>> hosting
>> at
>> 1. FOAF Validator[1]: We have put together a page which can be used  
>> to
>> validate foaf documents. We put this together based on common  
>> errors we
>> found in FOAF documents online. Any suggestions for further tests are
>> welcomed.
>> 2. FOAF Reverse Search[2]: This service outputs foaf:knows  
>> relationships
>> from our KB stating who claims to know the foaf:Person in question.  
>> You can
>> present the service with either a foaf:Person URI like so:
>> or you can search for an Inverse Function Property (IFP) if the  
>> foaf:Person
>> URI is not known for example, you can find who claims to know the
>> foaf:Person with the following homepage:
>> like so (notice the inclusion of the GET argument ifp):
>> Given the decentralised nature of foaf data, this allows data to be
>> presented regarding who claims to know a foaf:Person.
>> 3. FOAF Social Verification [3]: This allows you to make use of the  
>> foaf
>> social network to act as a whitelist for blog, email, and other  
>> online
>> activity
>> 4. FOAF Viewer: You can also use our GUI [5]  to visual your foaf  
>> network.
>> For example, see Steve's foaf file here :
>> 5. FOAF pinger: And finally, If we dont have your foaf file in our  
>> KB, you
>> can use our ping [4] service to upload your foaf:Document to our KB  
>> so that
>> you can make use of our services.
>> Any thoughts/suggestions welcomed,
>> Mischa
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3] &
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> ___________________________________
>> Mischa Tuffield
>> Email:
>> Homepage -
>> FOAF -

Received on Sunday, 30 November 2008 14:02:32 UTC