Re: Can we afford to offer SPARQL endpoints when we are successful? (Was "linked data hosted somewhere")

Thanks Aldo.
Interesting points.

On 27/11/2008 16:47, "Aldo Bucchi" <> wrote:

> All,
> A simple metadata on this therad, from my POV.
> I am obviously missing some more thorough analysis.
> What I intend to show is just how this discussions usually tend to be
> too broad and get dispersed.
> I asked a colleague ( he is a PhD, very smart guy ) to tell me what he
> thinks. He's pretty much in line with me.
> * Hugh is worried about *why* would anyone go through the problems of
> publishing their data and points out some problems
Sorry, I must have misled you.
I take as an absolute working hypothesis that when people (including me)
publish their data, we will get fascinating emergent properties the like of
which we can only dimly guess at.
I will be very unhappy to see this hypothesis disproved (if that is
possible), but am working with might and main to try to avid that outcome.
I have published a lot of data, and kept hacking the system to conform to
the latest LOD best practice (even when I have felt it was not necessarily
the best way to proceed).
I would guess that the majority of people on this lost have a similar view,
since this is not the place I expect people who have rejected the hypothesis
to feel comfortable.

I can't think of what I said that gave you such a negative impression, and
am sorry I did, because it doesn't help to have such misunderstandings.

I do, however, think it is useful to discuss possible barriers to the
exciting new world we are all trying to build. That is what I think thi list
is for.

Hope that helps the interactions.

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2008 21:43:50 UTC