Re: linked data mashups

> How does SQIUN differ to a typical HTTP SPARQL endpoint? So far it accepts
> a "query" parameter as a SPARQL select statement and executes the parameter
> on (some configured?) SPARQL endpoints from looking at the single sourcefile
> I could find [1]. Having said that, I have been holding off getting my
> bio2rdf server to actually process rdf but it doesn't look so hard now. (The
> bio2rdf server is actually more generic than just biology or even bio2rdf
> but it is still named that in response to its origins. And in contrast to
> SQUIN it focuses on CONSTRUCT queries rather than SELECT)
SQUIN is based on the Semantic Web Client Library[1]. "The *Sematic Web
Client Library* represents the complete Semantic Web as a single RDF graph.
The library enables applications to query this global graph using SPARQL-
and find(SPO) queries. To answer queries, the library dynamically retrieves
information from the Semantic Web by dereferencing HTTP URIs, by following
rdfs:seeAlso links, and by querying the Sindice <> search
engine. The library is written in Java and is based on the Jena framework."

Now just imagine the Semantic Web Client library on your server, next to the
rest of the LAMP stack. Your server is the sparql endpoint for the whole
Semantic Web. No need of querying individual sparql endpoints. This is SQUIN


Received on Monday, 24 November 2008 15:10:19 UTC