Re: Size matters -- How big is the danged thing

Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> Kingsley,
> On 22 Nov 2008, at 17:09, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> LOD warehouses have a clear set of characteristics:
>> 1. Static (due to periodic Extract and Load aspect of RDF production)
>> 2. Presumed to be less questionable by some re. license terms
>> Dynamically generated Linked Data via wrappers also have their 
>> characteristics:
>> 1. Dynamic (RDF generated "on the fly")
>> 2. Presume to be questionable by some re. license terms
>> Is the initial dichotomy I espoused still false in reality?
> Yes it is still false. There are plenty of LOD datasets that don't fit 
> into your classification at all because they have on-the-fly generated 
> RDF and have no IP or licensing issues whatsoever.
fwiw -
LOD warehouses have a clear set of characteristics:

1. Static (due to periodic Extract and Load aspect of RDF production)
2. Subjectively assumed to IP claim safe

Dynamically generated Linked Data via wrappers also have their 

1. Dynamic (RDF generated "on the fly")
2. IP vulnerabilities (that are inherently subjective)

> Static vs. dynamic is about implementation techniques. Paying 
> attention to licensing issues is a completely orthogonal issue. I 
> really don't know where you get the idea that these two questions are 
> the same. They are not.
My focal point is: what are we counting? Stuff in a warehouse or stuff 
generated "on the fly".  You can count whats in a warehouse, but you 
can't count (in a meaningful way) what's generated "on the fly" unless 
you can count all the information resources on the Web.

Anyway,  I think we close this matter as either conclusion (true/false 
dichotomy or stats) have limited value (imho). I am much more interested 
in what is now achievable as a result of the Linked Data that is now 
part of the Web :-)

> Cheers,
> Richard
>> I wonder :-)
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen          Weblog:
>> President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:



Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog:
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Saturday, 22 November 2008 20:19:19 UTC