Re: web to semantic web : an automated approach


You may be interested in Cypher <>, which is able to
transform natural language phrases and clauses into RDF triples and SPARQL
queries. There is currently a bottleneck in the lexicon, and my hope is to
create a collaboratively developed (wiki-style) NLP database of lexical
knowledge, as well as phrase grammar rules, etc. I am definitely interested
in hearing some of your ideas.


On Sun, Oct 26, 2008 at 8:59 AM, रविंदर ठाकुर (ravinder thakur) <> wrote:

> Hello Friends,
> I have been following semantic web for some time now and have seen quite a
> lot of projects being run (dbpedia, FOAF, LOD etc) trying to
> generate/organize some semantic content. While these approaches might have
> been successful in their goals, one major problem plaguing semantic web as a
> whole is the lack of semantic content. Unfortunately there is nothing in
> sight that we can rely on to generate semantic content for the truckloads of
> information being put on web everyday. I strongly feel that one of the
> _wrong_ assumption in semantic web community is that content creators will
> be creating a semantic data. This I think is too much for the asking from
> even more technically sound part of web community let along whole of the web
> community. It hasn't happened over last so many years and I don't see it
> happening in the near future.
> To really move the semantic web forward is a mechanism to device a
> mechanism to _automatcially_ convert the information over the web to
> semantic information. There are many softwares/services that can be used for
> this purpose. I am currently developing one prototype for this purpose. This
> prototype uses services from OpenCalais( to
> convert ordinary text to semantic form. This service is very limited in what
> entities supports at the moment but its a very good start. I am pretty sure
> there will be many other good options available that might be unknown to me.
> The currently very primitive prototype can be seen at
> This currently implements very few of the ideas
> I have for this. This is hosted on Google's AppEngine so sometime gives
> timeout messages internally so please bear with this :).
> This automatic conversion however is not a simple task and needs work in
> lot in domains ranging form NLP to artificial intelligence to semantic web
> to logic etc. So that's why this mail. I will be more than happy if we can
> join together to form a like minded team that can work on solving this most
> important problem plaguing semantic web currently.
> Waiting for your suggestions/criticisms. And Happy Diwali<>too :)
> Ravinder Thakur
> PS : I posted similar query here
> <>as
> well. That generated some good debate.



I pray that you may prosper in all things and be healthy, even as your soul
(3 John 1:2)

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 06:37:34 UTC