Re: Using Linking Open Data datasets


> Please note as well that we could learn something from 'Protocol for Web
> Description Resources' (POWDER) [3] (I've cc'd the WG now). When we've
> gathered some more requirements and know more precisely what we want to
> express with it and what is out of scope, we might be able to come up
> with a concrete proposal.

Actually, it may be slightly off-topic, but I would really need
something able to describe the actual "content" of a SPARQL end-point
or a RDF document. We talked a bit about that on #swig some time ago,
and we came across

Ultimately, what I would need is a *really* simple vocabulary to
express "this document or end-point holds the following information".
So I would need something like:

:SPARQLEndPoint a owl:Class.
:RDFDocument a owl:Class.
:holds a owl:DatatypeProperty. # associates a rdf doc or a sparql end
point to a sparql ASK query. (I think there is a datatype for
something like that, if I remember a talk about networked graphs [1]
at WWW right).

To be able to state things like:

<> a :RDFDocument; :holds "ASK
{<> foaf:based_near ?loc}".
<> a :SPARQLEndPoint; :holds "ASK
{<> :phone_number ?num"; :holds
"ASK {?people foaf:knows ?x. ?x foaf:knows

(this sort of things may be much cleaner in full N3.)

The first one describes a RDF document holding information about my
current location (in my case, I want to put that in a  RDF file with
limited access). The second one describes an end-point holding phone
numbers for me, as well as information about people that know people
that know me (I just made that up, perhaps not the best example :-) ).



> Good to see things moving on!
> Cheers,
>        Michael
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>  Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Jun Zhao []
>>Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:22 PM
>>To: Hausenblas, Michael
>>Subject: Re: Using Linking Open Data datasets
>>Hello Michael,
>>Hausenblas, Michael wrote:
>>> Dear LODers,
>>> One thing we encounter recurrently when using the LOD datasets is
> where
>>> to 'start best'. I'm unsure how to handle this situation, so I tried
> to
>>> gather some issues along with a simple proposal how to deal with it
>>> (called MetaLOD) at [1]. The idea basically is to develop a
> vocabulary
>>> and gather information 'about' the LOD datasets, such as 'at Geonames
>>> you get location-based information', etc.
>>This looks very interesting. And I desperately share your needs, i.e.
>>looking for the data to link to.
>>I am also thinking about rdfs:seeAlso, and something like skos:related,
>>skos:broader or skos:narrower.
>>A snip showing how I could use your structure to describe our data:
>>:LODataset a rdfs:Class ;
>>            rdfs:label "a LOD dataset" .
>> set:DBpedia a :LODataset ;
>>             owl:sameAs <> .
>> set:Geonames a :LODataset ;
>>              owl:sameAs <> ;
>>              foaf:topic
>><> .
>> set:flyted a :LODataset ;
>>              owl:sameAs <> ;
>>              foaf:topic <> ;
>>              foaf:topic <> ;
>>             foaf:topic <> ;
>>              rdfs:seeAlso <> ;
>>              skos;related <> ;
>>              skos:narrower <> .
>>What do you think?
>>All the best,
>>> I'm aware of the fact that each LOD dataset *should* provide this
> kind
>>> of information about itself, however (i) not all do AFAIK, and (ii)
> even
>>> if all did, how can an application determine effectively and
> efficiently
>>> which LOD dataset might be good to use for a certain task? I don't
> want
>>> to propose a 'centrally controlled registry' with this idea, just a
> way
>>> to flag what to expect from a LOD dataset as a kind of jump start.
>>> A formal description of the LOD dataset would also be beneficial for
>>> other exploration purposes, I guess. For example we could express
> access
>>> options for a LOD dataset (dump, SPARQL endpoint, etc.) or QoS
>>> information, even trust issues or (user) ratings might be of
> interest.
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> While I'm here: In case you're around at ESWC08, come and join us at
> the
>>> LOD gathering [2]
>>> Cheers,
>>>      Michael
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
> ata/TenerifeGathering
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>>>  Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
>>>  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
>>>  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
>>>  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
>>>  <office>
>>>    phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)
>>>   mobile: +43-699-1876-1165
>>>   e-mail:
>>>    skype: mhausenblas
>>>      web:
>>>  <see also>
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------

Received on Friday, 30 May 2008 09:54:47 UTC