Re: What about :: NCBI/NLM/NIH's dbGaP..?

There are ethical issues with describing the relationships between
phenotypes and genotypes and it seems like they might want to have
controlled access to those specific parts as part of an ethics
committee decision. Just guessing but it seems reasonable. You could
do a lot with just the open-access data though.


2008/5/19 Cindy Sue Causey <>:
> Throwing this out there because it "feels" like it fits in:
> Homepage ::
> Stumbled across it buried in a release in an overflowing inbox.. Has
> some "open-access" data and some closed:
> Just "tossing" it out there.. That's as much as I know at this point..
> If it's not quite right, please let me know what doesn't work about it
> so I don't waste everyone's valuable time repeating a similar
> "whoopsie".. :)
> Cindy
> - :: -
> Georgia Voices That Count, 2005
> Talking Rock, GA, USA
> [Acronyms]..
> dbGaP :: database of Genotype and Phenotype
> NCBI :: National Center for Biotechnology Information
> NLM :: National Library of Medicine
> NIH :: National Institutes of Health

Received on Monday, 19 May 2008 21:14:02 UTC