Re: [call for comments] voiD - vocabulary of interlinked datasets

Hello Olaf,

Thank you very much for your feedback and comments in the wiki. This 
looks very interesting.

We are fully aware of the whole provenance issue relating to the linked 
datasets we are describing. The primary purpose for voiD is to at least 
help people to find relevant datasets and to find out how they can use 
this dataset. And our intention is to keep voiD as light as possible.

The quesions such as "How has the dataset been created and What was the 
original source(s)? " themselves could lead to a complete schema, if we 
want to push for it. :-)    I am not aware of any existing vocabularies 
that we can incorporate. Any idea?

Also, if you could also add some comments in the wiki, about "why" you 
think this provenance information is important for linked datasets and 
"how" people might use this provenance, it would be fantastic! We are 
gathering requirements and feedbacks from the community. How the current 
voiD is to be extended, I guess, would be very much based on the needs 
from users, such as you:-)

With best regards,


Olaf Hartig wrote:
> Hello
> On Wednesday 11 June 2008 14:07:16 Keith Alexander wrote:
>> Our aim is that existing vocabularies like DC be used where possible, and
>> the primer Michael mentioned will hopefully give advice on which existing
>> terms are most appropriate to use with the voiD vocabulary. In this case,
>> perhaps ?dataset foaf:maker ?agent  ?
> (Re)using existing vocabulary makes sense, no doubt. Unfortunately, foaf:maker 
> does not suffice w.r.t. the provenance questions I mentioned in my previous 
> mail. DC is more expressive in this regard; it has dcterms:creator, 
> dcterms:publisher, dcterms:contributor, and dcterms:source. However, even DC 
> does not cover all of my provenance questions. For instance, it is impossible 
> to describe the method with which an RDF dataset has been created (e.g. mined 
> from a text, extracted from a relational DB).
> Bye,
> Ole

Dr. Jun Zhao
Image Bioinformatics Research Group

Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PS, UK
Direct phone: +44-(0)1865-281094
Department fax: +44-(0)1865-310447 

Received on Wednesday, 11 June 2008 18:27:12 UTC