Re: Geohash for events

Hello Bernard,

I've been thinking something similar, and test implemented such URI, e.g.:;International_Semantic_Web_Conference

Because URIs in identify services, not things like events
or places, I use 302 redirection to represent RDF/XML data. Some

- data/time delimiter changed from enclosing [] to tailing ;, since []
are reserved chars in URI and would cause some identification troubles
- currently use RDFical vocabulary for events. Care should be taken
for 'dtend', as it must be "non-inclusive end of the event" (i.e. one
day after the last day of an event)

Not quite sure how useful in practice, but interesting trial (still
needs some fixes).


2008/6/4, Bernard Vatant <>:
> I've been thinking about a layer which could be added to geohash to
> generate URIs for events, encapsulating in a single standard URI string the
> Where-When-What, and allowing automatic generation of a standard RDF
> description for events.

@prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email ""].

Received on Monday, 9 June 2008 03:59:09 UTC