Re: More ESWC 2008 Linked Data Playground

Thanks, Kingsley. Your responses were crystal clear.

But is still devoid of RDF.


Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> David,
> To this specific point you made:
> "I believe there need to be a mechanism for rewarding RDF publishing, 
> or scolding for forgetting. Do you have that mechanism in-place? "
> My response:
> 1. Reward for RDF publishing  comes down to the benefits or 
> opportunity costs associated making a structured data contribution to 
> the Web. If you contribute structure you open up the possibility for  
> collective participation by others in the Web Community (users and 
> developers). If you don't,  then you incur the opportunity costs of 
> having to do it all yourself.  Expanding my response is best done by 
> reading some of my most recent posts about the emergence of structure 
> on the Web in general etc..
> 2. The mechanism ultimately comes down to degrees to which relevant 
> things are discovered in a given space e.g spaces espousing the 
> virtues of Linked Data should honor our best practices and radiate the 
> values of Linked Data, if they don't, then at the very least, as a 
> community, we can flag omissions etc..  I pinged you about a little 
> tweak to you exhibit
> Now, if my responses are not in line with your question, and I am not 
> at ESWC 2008, but absolutely honor the value of discourse driven 
> problem resolution, please extend this conversation via some very 
> specific suggestions etc..
> What would you like to see in place in relation to the questions 
> you've posed? Assuming my responses aren't clear enough?

Received on Tuesday, 3 June 2008 02:19:35 UTC