Re: Potential Home for LOD Data Sets

रविंदर ठाकुर (ravinder thakur) wrote:
> my suggestion is that lets just collect few 100$  (10$ each ?) and 
> purchase a EC2 machine upload it with _all_ semantic data, run a 
> sparql endpoint on it and keep it running for everyone's use.
fwiw - I already indicated that the following is about to happen:

1. All of LOD in an instance deployed like the current DBpedia instance 
(from our data center) as per <> (that already 
has 11 Billion Triples in it and simply needs an update re. DBpedia 3.2 
and a few other data sets from LOD)

2. For those that have personal or service specific needs, a replica 
will be on EC2 (as we've done with DBpedia).

Current roadmap re. EC2:

1. DBpedia - done
2. Neurocommons - WIP
3. Bio2RDF - WIP
4. Entier LOD Data Set collection - WIP

Of course, you can also put together the scheme you are suggesting also 
via donation etc. The approaches the better (imho).

> On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 10:50 AM, Kingsley Idehen 
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hugh Glaser wrote:
>         Thanks for the swift response!
>         I'm still puzzled - sorry to be slow.
>         Says:
>         Amazon EC2 customers can access this data by creating their
>         own personal Amazon EBS volumes, using the public data set
>         snapshots as a starting point. They can then access, modify
>         and perform computation on these volumes directly using their
>         Amazon EC2 instances and just pay for the compute and storage
>         resources that they use.
>          Does this not mean it costs me money on my EC2 account? Or is
>         there some other way of accessing the data? Or am I looking at
>         the wrong bit?
>     Okay, I see what I overlooked: the cost of paying for an AMI that
>     mounts these EBS volumes, even though Amazon is charging $0.00 for
>     uploading these huge amounts of data where it would usually charge.
>     So to conclude, using the loaded data sets isn't free, but I think
>     we have to be somewhat appreciative of a value here, right? Amazon
>     is providing a service that is ultimately pegged to usage (utility
>     model), and the usage comes down to value associated with that
>     scarce resource called time.
>         Ie Can you give me a clue how to get at the data without using
>         my credit card please? :-)
>     You can't you will need someone to build an EC2 service for you
>     and eat the costs on your behalf. Of course such a service isn't
>     impossible in a "Numerati" [1] economy, but we aren't quite there
>     yet, need the Linked Data Web in place first :-)
>     Links:
>     1.
>     Kingsley
>         Best
>         Hugh
>         On 05/12/2008 02:28, "Kingsley Idehen" <
>         <>> wrote:
>         Hugh Glaser wrote:
>             Exciting stuff, Kingsley.
>             I'm not quite sure I have worked out how I might use it
>             though.
>             The page says that hosting data is clearly free, but I
>             can't see how to get at it without paying for it as an EC2
>             customer.
>             Is this right?
>             Cheers
>         Hugh,
>         No, shouldn't cost anything if the LOD data sets are hosted in
>         this
>         particular location :-)
>         Kingsley
>             Hugh
>             On 01/12/2008 15:30, "Kingsley Idehen"
>             < <>>
>             wrote:
>             All,
>             Please see: <> ;
>             potentially the
>             final destination of all published RDF archives from the
>             LOD cloud.
>             I've already made a request on behalf of LOD, but
>             additional requests
>             from the community will accelerate the general
>             comprehension and
>             awareness at Amazon.
>             Once the data sets are available from Amazon, database
>             constructions
>             costs will be significantly alleviated.
>             We have DBpedia reconstruction down to 1.5 hrs (or less)
>             based on
>             Virtuoso's in-built integration with Amazon S3 for backup and
>             restoration etc..  We could get the reconstruction of the
>             entire LOD
>             cloud down to some interesting numbers once all the data
>             is situated in
>             an Amazon data center.
>             --
>             Regards,
>             Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
>             <>
>             President & CEO
>             OpenLink Software     Web:
>         --
>         Regards,
>         Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
>         <>
>         President & CEO
>         OpenLink Software     Web:
>     -- 
>     Regards,
>     Kingsley Idehen       Weblog:
>     <>
>     President & CEO OpenLink Software     Web:



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President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Friday, 5 December 2008 12:28:06 UTC