Re: SemanticBible: Linked Data (currently version alpha1)

GeoNames Ontology related to you? And are you going to link to other  
sources, like the biology ones?

On Aug 21, 2008, at 12:33 PM, Daniel Lewis wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've publicly released a very early version of our Linked Data
> SemanticBible effort. I've currently versioned it "Alpha1".
> Our SemanticBible is a Linked Data Space for information about the
> Bible, it's currently very New Testament orientated but we have longer
> term plans to include Old Testament stuff. It started life as the
> semantic web project, but we've decided to go
> further by providing it on the Linked Data Cloud.
> I've got an about page here:
> There are four "starting point" linked data URIs (which return HTML or
> RDF depending on your request):
> * : The Composite Gospel
> : holds information about the stories in the Gospels
> * :New
> Testament Individuals : holds information about people and places
> referenced in the New Testament
> * : The Composite
> Gospel Ontology : the vocabulary for describing the stories in the
> Gospel
> * : The New
> Testament Names Ontology : The vocabulary for describing the people
> and places referenced in the New Testament
> And I've also blogged about it here:
> data-version-alpha1/
> Please be aware that the service may change where I'm improving and
> enhancing it. I've got plenty of things to do to it, but comments and
> feature requests are always welcome either to my openlink email or by
> skype.
> I look forward to hearing from some of you soon.
> Daniel

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 19:56:04 UTC