Re: freebase parallax: user interface for browsing graphs of data

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Question: Is there any fundamental reason why you cannot expose URIs 
> or URLs where you have "javascript:{}"? Would this break your work in 
> anyway?  
Just for you, Kingsley, I have fixed it :-) You might need to 
shift-reload to get the latest code.

I wasn't actually expecting such an intense reaction to just 
"javascript:{}". I wonder if that might put off newcomers, who believe 
that the slightest profanity against The URIs on this mailing list will 
always trigger such adverse reactions.

> If you expose the URIs, I would then be able to demonstrate what I 
> mean using your nice UI, how about that?
Now that that's all behind us, I'm looking forward to see what you mean. 
Please, show us what you've got!



Received on Sunday, 17 August 2008 06:39:29 UTC