Contd: Visualizing LOD Linkage

Oktie Hassanzadeh wrote:
> Yves Raimond wrote:
>> Hello!
>>> I would like to suggest that publishers of new linked data spaces that plug
>>> into the growing LOD include the following:
>>> 1. cross-link information
>> I would also suggest we find a better measure for interlinkage than a
>> raw number of triples linking one dataset to another.
>> For example, creates its own identifier
>> for languages (,
>> which are owl:sameAs'ed to the corresponding languages in Lingvoj when
>> applicable, whereas linkedmdb directly links to the Lingvoj
>> identifiers. In the latter case, the raw number of interlinks will be
>> higher, but could be reduced a lot by creating identifiers for
>> language and use sameAs.
>> The same applies for geographic locations, for example. Some datasets
>> use foaf:based_near to link to Geonames, some others create their own
>> identifiers, and then link to the corresponding Geonames locations
>> through owl:sameAs. For the same dataset, this two methodologies will
>> lead to completely different numbers.
>> To boost the statistics of a dataset, we could simply link each person
>> or group in them to
>> through rdf:type :-D
>> So I think we should agree on what we count as "interlinks" before
>> publishing such statistics, so that we can actually use these values?
>> My recommendation would be to always go for the lowest value - the one
>> you'd obtain by creating your own identifiers and using owl:sameAs
>> (which would be equivalent to the number of distinct external URIs
>> mentioned in your dataset).
>> What do you think?
>> Cheers!
>> y
> I totally agree! Some interlinks are not as valuable as others. That's 
> why we report the number of links based on their type and target and 
> also we store and publish data about the linkage methodology. I also 
> believe we should be honest about the value of the interlinks.
> Apart from the links to languages and geographic locations, another 
> example of such "easy" links is the links we have in LinkedMDB to the 
> Authors of books in RDF Book Mashup which is done only based on the 
> name of the authors, comparing with the links to the books related to 
> the movies for which we have to match the titles and find the ISBN of 
> the books. I just changed LinkedMDB's statistics [1] to show two 
> different numbers for these links.
> Regarding languages, I was not sure which is the right way, to link 
> directly yo lingvoj or to have our own entities for languages, but 
> after reading some discussions like [1], we decided to link directly 
> to lingvoj.
> Regards,
> Oktie
> [1]
> [2]

Re. sample entities, could you sprinkle out a few sample entity URIs 
from your data space?  For instance, a third column with a drop down 
should do the trick.



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Received on Saturday, 2 August 2008 16:24:07 UTC