Re: Visualizing LOD Linkage

> The same applies for geographic locations, for example. Some datasets
> use foaf:based_near to link to Geonames, some others create their own
> identifiers, and then link to the corresponding Geonames locations
> through owl:sameAs. For the same dataset, this two methodologies will
> lead to completely different numbers.

Just a small toy example of that - if I consider the following dataset:

@prefix : <http://my-dataset/>.
@prefix geo : <http://geographic-dataset/>.
:item1 foaf:based_near geo:location1.
:item2 foaf:based_near geo:location1.

100% of the dataset correspond to links to another dataset.

Now, if I consider

:item1 foaf:based_near :location1.
:item2 foaf:based_near :location1.
:location1 owl:sameAs geo:location1.

, which is equivalent to the previous dataset, this number drops to 33%


Received on Saturday, 2 August 2008 15:33:31 UTC