Good tutorial giving an Introduction into the Web of Data held by Metaweb at the Web 2.0 Summit


I just scanned though the slides of the "Creating Semantic Mashups: Bridging 
Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web" tutorial that Jamie, Colin and Toby from 
Metaweb held at the Web 2.0 Summit.


Gives a great overview about the ideas behind the Web of Data and relates 
them nicely to classic Web applications and the Web 2.0 mashups.

Worth reading!


This tutorial will identify how the architecture of participation can be 
extended by combining open data and open source semantic technologies. We 
will use simple, hands-on examples to expose participants to semantic 
techniques that are possible today. The tutorial will culminate by working 
through the development of a semantic widget for movie reviews that makes 
use of the techniques described.



Chris Bizer
Freie Universität Berlin
+49 30 838 54057 

Received on Wednesday, 30 April 2008 06:21:23 UTC